The Times-Tables-Viz app available from the App Store has been designed to support learners develop fluency and and rapid recall of multiplication facts. Specifically designed for learners who may have not have found learning the times-tables facts in a more traditional way best suited to them.
The learning strategy mirrors that used by Tables Logik and a key factor is the involvement of a mentor to support the learner. This of course could be a parent, older sibling , friend or support professional at school.
A summary of the Tables Logik strategy

The levels of the practice app are structured such that the learner can focus on a small number of connected facts at a time and then progress through each stage once rapid recall has been achieved. The mentor's role is particularly important once the learner has reached a point where new learning is to take place. At this stage learners are encouraged to explore different ways any new fact can be "proved" or shown, particularly in a visual sense or indeed practically using manipulatives such as pebbles or counters.
It is important that the learner explores different methods (this can be done together with the mentor), BUT chooses their favourite to help them remember rather than being shown only one method by the mentor.
There are particular strategies the mentor can encourage the learner to consider but there is not one correct way and this in itself is an important lesson to learn about arithmetic.
Issues and questions arising from the use of Times-Tables-Viz can be directed to the author and developer Pete Sides at capacitarpais@gmail.com
Tables Calculator Viz
As part of Capacitarpais' exploration of issues around Dyscalculia it was noted that many learners who struggle to recall the times tables facts are encouraged to use a times table grid in class so they can compensate for their lack of recall by using the grid and so undertake activities that require easily accessed tables knowledge.
The TablesCalcViz app was developed to enhance this use of the grid which only provides a numerical answer.
Learners can only use the app to multiply two numbers from one to ten and they are shown the product as a visual array as well as in words and numerically. In this way the learner is encouraged to continue to consider each fact as its visual representation and so, in time to learn the facts and not just use the grid as a crutch.