Let's be honest this website doesn't get much traffic, so whilst heartfelt this apology is probably irrelevant and is largely for my own cathartic benefit.
After semi-retiring in 2020 I set this website up to offload all the thoughts swirling in my head about maths education. Since there is a plethora of information and support for teachers out there I decided to pitch my musings to the parental audience.
As we headed towards lockdown this seemed very apt and I started in earnest.
However, my much anticipated retirement was planned to be punctuated with the occasional consultation that would pay for the maintenance of this website and my emerging app developer costs.
This income seems to have dried up and to be honest my optimistic ambition has waned such that the development of this website and associated resources has become an occasional hobby rather than a regular endeavour.
As my Wix subscription downgrades, I will remove data hogging videos and where appropriate add YouTube links. Hopefully, I will still be able to host useful information and ideas here as a limited FREE resource but unfortunately, my Apple apps will disappear over time as my subscription runs out.
My enthusiasm has not diminished but sadly funds have dried up, although less sadly my retirement has taken a next step and whilst I will continue to add to this website so that maybe one day in my dotage I can look back at something to be proud of, it has turned into a much longer term ambition to offload my ideas and philosophy of maths education rather than be a complete and immediately available resource.